the farm
The farm is located on Walbunja Country, just north of the river in a beautiful town called Moruya on the far South-East Coast of New South Wales. Brinja- Yuin Country, to the south of the river is where we also work and live.
Our rented farm plot itself is 4 acres in total, with the mixed vegetable and perennial crop cultivated area being 1.5 acres under seasonal rotation. Our main focus will be on high quality, nutrient dense food. With the goal of incorporating an education component in the future. Practices we employ to achieve this are organic and bio-intensive, based on practitioners; Elliot Coleman and Jean Martin Fortier, as well as a number of other innovative farmers. It should be noted that Charles Massey’s book 'Call of the Reed Warbler' about Regenerative Agriculture forms a foundation to what we aspire to in our Australian context. We want to leave the land in a better condition than when we found it (which is pretty bloody good already, thanks to the landowners mentioned below).
| The land lease |
We are renting this block of land off our old friends and mentors, Fraser and Kirsti of ‘Old Mill Road Bio-Farm’. We collaboratively wrote up a long-term lease agreement that will be reviewed again in five years, with the potential of extension in the future.
For anyone interested in leasing land, something we have learnt is that transparency is everything. Lay it all on the line initially so that there’s no confusion or tears later when grey areas arise. There’s a plethora of details to consider when establishing an agreement for a piece of land thats gonna be used to grow food, hold events and educate people on. Over communicating and being a little too thorough is recommended.
Check out our resources section for a link to a pretty awesome and free lease agreement builder that we used.